Sunday, 11 December 2011

Research for campaign idea

For the campaign I plan on creating contemporary and modern designs which are simple but effective. To ensure these designs don't feel flat I will use some modern day textures as a background as well as some gradients to create an interesting depth of field. I think brushed metal textures are best suited as they generally feel and look quite modern, this decision can be further backed up by the fact that Apple feature brushed metal throughout their products including within their OS and they are incredibly popular.

Some examples of (lower res) Brushed metal textures:

The image across shows the natural lighting properties that these textures sometimes have with lighter and darker patches which would add an extra dimension to my campaign posters. They can easily be created in Photoshop from scratch as well although I will probably find an actual high resolution photo of Brushed Aluminium for authenticity.

The above is an example of a quick brushed metal texture I created in Photoshop, and although the quality has been lost due to compression it still looks relatively realistic but hasn't quite got the look I'm after.
The above is a texture I found on a texture library, under brushed aluminium. This has a more refined look then the one I created and is definitely an improvement

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