Friday, 2 December 2011

Logo/Poster designs

 Following on from the ideas phase I created the DAC logo I particularly liked from my hand drawn designs.
Something about this logo caught my eye despite its drawbacks (The 'D' and 'C' not being entirely suitable for the visual style being one of them). I liked the use of white space as my concept centred around this idea and the 'A' popped out the screen quite well. Especially when I chose to take the idea into a poster:

The use of white space was maximised for greater visual effect, it also draws the viewer in effectively but still I felt the design was lacking something. I didn't think it conveyed what the DAC was here for and that others could use it as a resource. It doesn't effectively raise awareness of the DAC

Therefore I started working on an idea that effectively marketed the arts centre as a resource people could use themselves for their personal and business needs

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