The following shows the evolution of my final design idea

Although the relative design techniques I plan on using are simple enough it's the final execution of such methods that work best.
These designs are simple as well as effective, although I felt something was lacking, this is why I decided, as explained earlier to implement a texture into the posters to increase their overall look and feel. I also felt these ideas needed to be further refined and developed.
I changed the logotype font to Agency FB and reduced the size of it to make it appear more balanced, I also took out the 'Design Balance' caption as it detracted from the overall look I wanted to achieve.
I decided to use the same background for recognisability and consistency. The colour schemes remained the same but I still felt it could be improved on and despite preferring this direction, the first poster I created (Whitespace) doesn't really fit in with this design therefore it needs to be redesigned in accordance with these posters.
For the final design I decided to take an ever greater minimalist approach while still retaining the modern feel. "Less is more" was shortened to Design less, or 'designless' whichever way you prefer to look at it, this refers to the lack of design creating the design. The logotype was finally added for recognisability.
The previous ideas were based on a 'Design balance' but I felt this didn't explain enough, therefore I changed it to Symmetry which works in a similar vain to balance, where the symmetry creates a balanced feel to the image.

And finally the White space design was greatly simplified in order to fit within the campaign design but I feel this is much more effective and getting the message across by interacting with the viewer, asking them what drew them to the main sentence first.
Finally the leaflet uses the same backgrounds/textures but utilises a 3D text effect for the front cover to grab the attention of users. This will be a double sided flyer as they are cheap to make and can easily be distributed widely. In my experience if I'm given a leaflet or flyer I'm more likely to look at the flyer as it just involves flipping it over and scanning the information whereas a leaflet carries a lot of information and you only read it if its directly marketed towards you.
The flip side of the flyer is a quote by Steve Job's which perfectly sums up the whole concept behind this campaign.
If you want good design, you need someone who can understand what the design is all about.